Vero is blessed to be next to the Indian River Lagoon, as its citizens and visitors enjoy what the lagoon provides in recreation and in scenery. So it is vital that we preserve its health, which is presently threatened by too much nitrogen, part of which is caused by runoff from parking lots and streets after storms.
The City has proposed a Storm Water Utility, which is a fund to clean up storm water before it reaches the lagoon. The fund would be paid by residents and organizations which have impervious property or that which causes runoff rather than allowing the rain to sink into the earth.
The charges would be levied by the City annually on all impervious property, but each owner could reduce or eliminate the charges by changing from impervious to pervious. The collected funds would be restricted to storm water control and clean up specifically designated to improve the health of the lagoon.
The City Council should vote on and establish a Storm Water Utility.
Vote Randy Old for Vero Beach City Council!