Two weeks ago the Vero Beach City Council agreed to spend up to $10,000 on a survey to understand the attitude of Vero Electric customers to Solar Energy. The survey is being done in conjunction with FMPA who is combining the wisdom and client base of several municipalities in order to receive wide feedback on attitudes toward solar energy. We should be seeing the results in February or March next year. This action was recommended by the Utility Commission.
While solar energy is not the lowest cost energy, costs have drastically decreased over the past ten years, and one stumbling block seems about to be solved. The type of batteries required to store solar energy have not been available, but look like they might be soon.
Comparatively speaking, Florida is way behind in the development of solar energy. There are very few systems in Florida, there has been very little incentive to purchase solar systems, and the state should be a leader, not a trailer in the industry.
I have three systems on the house I built in 2006. One for hot water, one to heat our swimming pool, and a third to produce electricity for our house. My house system allows me to sell energy back to the City when I am producing more than I need. This system was the first in the county, which demonstrates how far behind we are.
I think many people would like to consume or produce solar power, but let’s wait to see what the survey says, then perhaps we can develop a plan to have a percentage of our power be supplied by alternative methods.
Vote Randy Old for Vero Beach City Council!