I have learned how the City operates and what the job of City Council entails. Major efforts have included:
- Working with Vero Electric–fighting off lawsuits, understanding issues by serving on FMPA’s board for 12 months, renegotiating the OUC power supply contract, undertaking both the efficiency study and the rate study, closing down the utility plant, and lowering rates.
- Initiating discussion on the use of the property occupied by both Vero Electric and the water and sewer plant.
- Requiring five-year projections during the budget process to achieve a better understanding of the results of our decisions than a one-year budget allows.
- Passing an ordinance that strengthened the ban on short-term rentals in Vero Beach.
- Actively supporting the creation of an art village.
- Reinstating the review process for the City Manager, City Clerk, and City Attorney.
I look forward to continuing to work for the people of Vero Beach.
Vote Randy Old for Vero Beach City Council!